Wilderness Chronicles! Yeah!!!! Okay, so we decided to share what will be in the game when it's available and later thoughts of updates.
InDev: NESW movement, crafting, exploration with biomes, large maps, random generation, and combat.
LateDev: More than 1 character to choose from, Music* ( * means it could come in any dev phase, in this case LateDev or Pre-Alpha ), Main Menu ( main menu is present but later adding a less text based menu would be cool! ), and Underworld.
Pre-Alpha: Dungeons, Ending Prototype ( meaning that there will be a ending added, but it wont be the real ending and it will have almost no lore in it ), and Music*
Alpha: small parts of story, more craftables, multiplayer ( may not make it early ( may be later then said ) ), and Armor.
These are not perfect and this is just early planning for InDev - Alpha.